14 oktober 2012

Dag 917: Celebritycrush

Your first celebritycrush

Ik denk dat dat of Aaron Carter (het broertje van Nick Carter van The Backstreetboys) was of Scott van Five.
Ik was een enorme fan van de Spice Girls en vond The Backstreetboys maar stom. En toen kwam Five, dat was wel cool! En Scott was duidelijk de knapste. Aaron Carter vond ik geloof ik alleen maar leuk omdat hij even oud was. Mijn hele kamer hing vol met plaatjes uit de Tina van al deze groepjes!

I think that would be Aaron Carter (the younger brother of Nick Carter from the Backstreetboys) or Scott from Five.
I was a huge fan of the Spice Girls and thought the Backstreetboys were crap. Then Five came, and that wás cool! And Scott was obviously the most handsome guy. I think I liked Aaron Carter only because he is the same age. My whole bedroom was full with prints from the Tina!

Image comes from here

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